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Buffalo Bacon Navy Beans!

Updated: Feb 22, 2020

This was last night's dinner. It was drool-worthy, so it will be my nourish bowl for lunch today! I made mine 100% Plant-based with Epicure's Better than Bacon. 👀 I eat that s*/& right out of my hand, I need to hide the bottle from myself! 😄

I pre-soak / sprout my beans before cooking- Find Details here!

Serving for 2 - I never cook for less than 2, if I'm lucky enough (lol) to have no-one home then I get the 2nd portion for lunch!

Ridiculously easy and soooo good!!


  • Heat your cooked beans (I did mine in a fry pan but they got mushy, next time I'll just put them in my steamer for 1 minute!)

  • Drizzle with Buffalo sauce

  • Sprinkle with Bacon & Cilantro

Devour. Yup. Ready to eat in mere minutes!!

Happy Growing, Cooking & Eating!

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