Summer 1 - 2014:
Hired an excavator to dig us 2 fruit tree holes & a 60' raspberry trench.
I painstakingly dug out the soil to make garden beds along the path. That was one hard summer!
Planted the Plum, a Nectarine (since died) and the raspberries.
Added a shade screen along the path for a future hosta location.
Mostly dealt with home renos and chickens. Tried a few veggies in a the open sunny areas to see what survived this new elevation a zone lower than before.
Added the back patio swings and the old trampoline yard bed.
Build a robust sun map of the property for future development
Summer 2 - 2015:
Path changed from sharp rocks to soil /stones with plantings & mini rocks.
Planted a dozen clumps of daylilies and tall white phlox throughout the yard, big showy anchor plants that look striking even when not in flower.
Added my Hosta Garden
Removed planter & lawn at front (30x15). Added paths and plantings.
Had a few more veggies growing in 2 new raised beds.
Added the apple tree. Made sun maps of the property & dreamed of what could go where!
Summer 3 - 2016: One heck of a year!!
Leveled a parking lot where a slope dropped off with a tire retaining wall
Had a Walapini dug & build (many disasters along the way!)
Had a rock retaining wall constructed to level a 'lawn/garden' Finally soil I could dig into!
Added a privacy screen/ grapes arbour (the cover photo on this page)
Added a Butterfly/Bee/Dragonfly Garden - 25' long, 10 wide at back. Each hole took at least 20-30 minutes to dig
Deeply discounted and near dead Rhubarb & Haskap planted
Path re-done with pavers among the rocks, including a step down to the lawn.
Added pool deck. Removed collapsing retaining wall and mini pond
Summer 4 - 2017:
Spring - Gutter Creeks dug through my perennial food garden.
Spent 1/2 of summer away.
Was the first year growing in Walapini! Food was flourishing everywhere!
In early Aug my pool had a blowout and we spent WAY too much time putting in a new liner.
A late Aug forest fire & evacuation moved in an army of voles and most of my food crops were wiped out.
Summer 5 - 2018: My 50th Bday gift to myself was my 3 level waterfall hydroponics pond!
Walapini roof changed. Front yard overhaul with rocks rather than mulch between plants.
May - we dug a massive hole where the old small pond/retaining wall was, ready for the new pond...
June - Tree falls on coop and it's crushed but miraculously all chickens live.
I planted a small veggie garden of 'test vegetables' with their companion plants so I could see if the cats had culled the vole population. Since my whole yard was going to torn up by pond reno equipment any day, I really couldn't do much anyway!
July: Remove the 100' feet of landscape ties dividing the path from the garden. Fill gap with soil & thyme sprigs.
Aug: Pond Reno starts again with new contractor and it's a smashing success
Sept: Path to Office redone again to line up with new pond lines (third times the charm!)
Summer 6 - 2019:
Added Asparagus bed in a 5yr old pile of animal poop from the neighbors
Added another new raised bed and a Hammock / Vines Arbor
Pulled out all grass and changed to a clover Lawn, removing 8' of lawn to give me more garden
Prune back juniper & discover a buried 4' deep planting bed! Turned that into a self-seed annual garden.
Finally finished pool deck rails & cedar skirt
Planted food in every square inch of space & harvested like crazy! Cats handled the voles!
Summer 7 - 2020