GFRR - Ready to take control of your health? Want more energy? Want to reduce brain fog and cravings? GFRR has helped hundreds with this and weight loss too. Read below for more if that's what you're looking for!
So how does GFRR work?! It's for EVERYONE!
The GFRR Collection includes a recipe book/guide and the spices used in the 100+ recipes! The science of the plan is explained in the guide, although as far as the eating part... You pick a breakfast, lunch, dinner, cook and eat them. Pick a dessert if you want. Drink water. Move your body. That's it in a nutshell!
Can't eat a certain food? No problem, use the sub chart and remove it from the meal!
Don't love to cook? No problem, the recipes are fast and easy, typically 20-30 mins!
Love to cook? Use the 'Build Your Own' guides to dream up your own feast (this is how I usually roll).
Cooking for a family? We've got you covered! Most recipes make a meal for 4 and they are family friendly!
Want it even simpler? Perfect! There's a meal plan laid out for 4 weeks with what to cook when & with grocery lists!
Like to log your food? The collection comes with a journal that is way more than just about food. Use it to kick-start many aspects of your Epic Life!
GFRR for Weight Loss​
In 2015 Epicure asked myself and other Independent Consultants to trial their new Good Food Real Results program, following it exactly to get detailed data on the weight loss. They KNEW it would be healthy & delicious and wanted weight loss data. I totally wanted to weigh less, but I wasn’t interested... It was ‘normal food’. What’s so interesting about that? I 'knew' that weight required restrictive eating or shakes or pills or hours at the gym. Something other than just eating everyday food!! HA! How wrong I was. FOOD IS THE ANSWER! I did join the pilot program and I've lived a GFRR lifestyle now for over 3yrs and have kept the weight off! I eliminate wheat, oats and raw tomatoes as all 3 cause me pain and I love that the GFRR plan is super flexible like that.
In the 4 month pilot, I released 43 lbs and this was my testimonial:
"My nails are stronger, my face is clear and my mind is sharp! I’ve not been hungry, & my grocery bills have dropped!
I continued to eat 70/30 GFRR and released an additional 8 lbs over the next 2yrs without actively trying! In Sept 2017, Epicure held a 90 day Epic Life Challenge. My transformation was put into the Epicure Catalogue & shared on social. In Sept I was busting out of my size 18's and I'm currently wearing a 14! There is are Epic Life Challenges happening regularly, contact me to join us!
Growing up I learned many incorrect food lessons and much of that false information is still floating around today.
I learned that to be ‘slender’ or ‘healthy looking’, you should barely eat.
I learned that only those with incredible metabolism are ever ‘naturally’ slender.
I learned that lettuce, rice crackers and melba toasts are ideal foods.
I learned that to lose weight you must exercise hours & hours every week.
I learned that to lose weight, a radical lifestyle makeover is required.
I learned that counting points, counting calories, taking supplements and drinking shakes are key.
GFRR has taught me that everything I believed to be true is FALSE.​
For more information about GFRR meals, see my blog.
To Learn more - contact me. 250-681-3262, spicelady@danakayal.com